Secret Penpal Scavenger Hunt

What is the Secret Penpal Scavenger Hunt?

I first heard about the Secret Penpal Scavenger Hunt when my snail mail and Facebook friend Ines from To The Lovely very kindly tagged me on this Instagram post by @snailmaillove, calling for participants in the next round-robin secret penpal swap organised by the wonderful Fab from Snail Mail Love.

So what exactly is it?  Well, Fab describes it as “a swap aimed to connect to strangers via mail by having them randomly paired, and exchanging a package full of wonders!” and she’s not wrong…
(you can read all the rules and FAQs here – this swap is now closed, but there will be more in the future).

Secret Penpal Scavenger Hunt 2

What did I send?

I was given Ana (super-talented and nature-mad happy mailer @ephemeris32) to send to. Do take a look at her Instagram feed – it is GORGEOUS…
Typically, in my excitement to send off my parcel, I completely forgot to take a picture (yes, I am an idiot), but I am sure she will share some on Instagram soon.  In the meantime, here is a list of what I included for her.

1. Something that represents me
an origami elephant (I love paper, I make origami and I think elephants are awesome)

2. A postal freak kit
this included used British stamps, teeny-tiny envelopes, postcards and a mail tag

3. Something not round or square
an embroidery that I made of a quote about nature by Aristotle

4. Something seasonal
a packet of seeds to grow some Spring flowers

5. A bad day survival kit
this included a face pack, some chocolate and a picture of the happiest kitten in the world!

6. A gift
a floral colouring book

I really hope she liked it all!


What did I receive?

I was lucky enough to have Corey from @quaintlyquietly sending to me and guess what?  She TOTALLY spoiled me!  You can (and should!) check out her blog for more photos of what she sent, but here’s a few of the awesome things that arrived inside her parcel…

SPPSH contents 2








2 responses to “Secret Penpal Scavenger Hunt”

  1. Corey avatar

    I am SO glad i included some pretty origimi paper in the package now that i know you love making origimi! 😀 I had so much of fun packing everything for you, i’m relieved you’re pleased with it all ! xx

  2. The Paperdashery avatar
    The Paperdashery

    Corey – it’s like you knew exactly what would be perfect for me! 😀
    I absolutely love it all – especially the origami paper and the gorgeous washi tape. I will send you a proper thank you via snail mail very soon xx