What mums REALLY want for Mothers Day

Mothers day (in the UK) is the 4th Sunday in Lent and a day that causes children (including grown-up children!) and husbands to wrack their brains wondering exactly what mums really want for mothers day…

While flowers, chocolates and breakfast in bed are all lovely to receive (and a day at the spa is even better), the one thing worth more than anything else to a mother, is to know that she is doing a great job.  Our mums do much for us without expecting anything in return, always putting us first and constantly doubting themselves.

What mums REALLY want for Mothers Day PIN

Want to know what mums really want for Mothers Day..?

Rather than an expensive gift, your mum really wants to know in your own words how much you love her and why you are thankful for her.

How would your mum feel if you sent her a card on Mothers day telling her how much you appreciate her and what an inspiration she is to you?  I am sure it would mean more to her than any gift.

What would you like to thank your mum for?

We asked some of our favourite bloggers, penpals, Instagrammers and customers what they would like to thank their mums for.  Here is what they said…

“I would like to thank my Mum for being a strong woman who showed me that women can do anything they put their mind to. For being the glue that held my family together. I miss her so much, but I know that I am her echo”
Jen Walshaw, Mum In the Madhouse

“There are so many reasons to be thankful for my mom. She is a mother to her core; Selfless… and protective. She is always my biggest fan and I could not love her her more. I hope I can someday live up to the example she has been for me and my brother!”

“My mom is hands-down my biggest, proudest, most loyal cheerleader, which is so much fun and always so encouraging.”
Anika Zebron

“For being determined and strong.”

“For never giving up on us.”

“For being my everything”

“For keeping me grounded”

“For always supporting me!”

“My mom is the best!! #sorryothermoms”

My biggest fan

What would you like to thank your mum for?

“Helping me through and encouraging me to go to college”
– Alison

“Being a good listener and giving us freedom to learn and play without constant supervision. A rarity these days.”
– Jo

“…for everything she does for me, for being there for me through all my illness, for being my rock, my best friend and being there for me 24/7”
– Paula

“Being strong and never letting me down.”
– Louise

“Pushing me out of my comfort zone and encouraging me to explore the world beyond my home… this was when keeping girls confined within safe boundaries of the home was the norm”
– Jyoti

“…for letting me be a teenager. Coloured my hair every colour, pierced my face  (she even came with me) and so much more. I wouldn’t have been myself without it all.”
Ines @tothelovely

“Forgiving me over the years.”
– Jodie

“Making me feel special”
– Emma

“All the hugs”
– Rosie

“Supporting me with every wrong turn and never judging. She is with me every step of my journey and never lets me down… still!!”
– Faye

“For leaving my abusive biological father (which gave me a role model in her as a strong woman)”
– Janina

“Her never ending patience, love and support, even when I was an absolute utter nightmare as a teen… And her quiet, un-forceful, never wavering strength.”
– Ali

“For being my friend, my confidant, my shoulder, my sounding board for being everything I need her to be & always there”
– Stevie



















