How to be kind: simple ways to spread happiness…

How to be kind

Don’t you just love small kindnesses?  I love it when someone makes me a cup of tea, tells me they think my shoes are awesome, or offers me their magazine on the train.  Those small things can turn a pretty mediocre day into a good one.  And if you’re having a bad day, those things can mean a whole lot more…

Some people excel at spreading kindness – they seem to do it effortlessly!  Perhaps we can can learn how to be kind (or how better to show kindness) everyday from these people.

How to be kind PIN

Janina Vigurs started a Facebook page called Relentless Kindness, which she describes as “a page/cause/movement/mindset to inspire and foster kindness”.  Janina does this by regularly leaving anonymous love notes in public places (see below).

Isn’t that a fabulous idea?

Relentless Kindness notes

Ines Hristova from Facebook page To The Lovely has gone one step further and has been hand-painting, illustrating and writing on beautiful little pebbles which she then passes on to people to leave where others will find them…  I was lucky enough to receive some of these positivity pebbles and am really enjoying thinking about where to leave them.  So far I have balanced one on our little postbox and left one on a desk at work.

I’m planning to leave another in the school playground this afternoon.  Where would you leave one?

kindness pebbles

The Paperdashery is helping send kindness to new mamas with our free #MamaMail service – sign up here to send and/or receive.

Do you have a great idea of how to be kind?  Please share it with me!
Let’s spread more happiness and be kinder to one another today x




