Mini Washi Tape Bunting

One of our favourite ideas is mini washi tape bunting (and it’s super easy to make)…

Cute mini bunting PIN

To make mini washi tape bunting, you will need:

  • washi tape in your chosen colour/pattern(s)*
  • bakers twine in a complimentary or contrasting colour *
  • cocktail sticks or wooden skewers (optional)

How to make mini washi tape bunting:

  • Tear strips of washi tape into approx 4cm lengths (you don’t have to be exact). Stick them to the edge of a table or desk until you are ready to use them
  • Cut some twine. The length will depend on what you plan to use your bunting for (see below for ideas), but allow yourself a little more than you think you will need
  • Take a piece of washi tape and lay it out flat, with the sticky side up
  • Lay your twine across the centre (again you don’t have to be exact here)
  • Fold the washi tape in half over the top of the twine, matching the top to the bottom and stick it to itself.
  • Trim the washi tape into a tiny flag. You can just cut straight across, to make rectangular flags, or cut a swallowtail shape (as we have here), triangles, or even semi-circles! You can make a little cardboard template to get each flag exactly the same, but it can be quite charming when each one is slightly different to its neighbour…
    TIP: If you are cutting a shape that meets the twine (such as triangles), I would recommend starting your cut from the twine end, as there is less chance of accidentally chopping your twine…
  • Continue adding flags at regular intervals along the twine. Again, you could measure or use a template to space them exactly, but it’s also fine to do this by eye.

Tie the ends of your twine to cocktail sticks or skewers (if you like), trim the ends and voila – you have mini bunting!

Washi tape ideas - mini bunting - featured

What to do with your mini bunting:

  • Use it to decorate gifts (it doubles as a tag, because of course you can write on washi tape)!
  • Stick the skewers into a large cake to make it really special (or use cocktail sticks for cupcakes)
  • Attach the bunting (with or without cocktail sticks) to a card blank – perfect for a baby shower or wedding
  • Stick or drape it around your house to brighten up your desk area, or use it to decorate the kitchen for a special birthday breakfast
  • You could use metallic/glitter or red/white washi tape to make Christmas bunting for your tree
  • Young children could set up a small-world village fete in the garden for their toys!

mini bunting on picture

*we used maste washi tape in (nature) flamingo and beautiful bakers twine in original fuchsia.








3 responses to “Mini Washi Tape Bunting”

  1. […] Make some mini bunting using washi tape and twine (The Paperdashery) […]

  2. Diane Lafontaine avatar

    I’d like to make my first happy mail box. How do I start?

    1. The Paperdashery avatar
      The Paperdashery

      Great! Take a look at this post about the secret of brilliant snail mail for some ideas of what to include…
      Let me know how it goes?